Stuck inside? We have dug through our archives and created a listing of almost every feature film we have shown over the past 7 years – all in one place!

Just click on the poster for the film you want to see and it will take you to a page showing all the places you can stream it. Some are free with ads (CBC GEM, TUBI), some are by subscription (Netflix, Prime, Crave), some are to rent or buy (YouTube, Cineplex, iTunes). Just pick one you have access to and enjoy!


While we have your attention, please be sure to support your local independent movie theatres and filmmakers in any way you can during these extraordinary times. Pay to watch movies online. Buy a theatre membership. Throw some money at someone’s Patreon account.

We will have more film links and ways you can help in the days to come. In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home!